Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wet Foot-Dry Foot Policy in South Florida

It was around 9:30 this morning that I was channel surfing and nursing a hangover with some hair of the dog when I saw a story from a local channel about 24 (I think) Cubans whose boat "sank" and they landed in Haulover Beach. Because of the wet foot-dry foot policy, they "will probably be allowed to stay."

I'm all for freedom from oppression, but it's Miami. We hit our limit in the 1980s. "Give me your tired, your poor, your hungry..."


This would sound like a "Minute Man" rant except I am Mexican-American, born and raised in the Arkansas no less. And, when I lived in Costa Rica and Guatemala, I spoke the language and followed the customs.

Granted, I worked illegally in Costa Rica as a hotel night auditor in Manuel Antonio and a bookmaking clerk in San Jose and a tour operator in Jaco Beach....I think when I taught English as a second language to business executives in San Jose that was legal because I am a native speaker....but who knows?

Likewise, Haulover Beach is around 80 blocks from my apartment and it seems that this is where the new "landings" are occurring. There must be some loophole in the perimeter.

But, you have to hand it to the 24 Cubans who got "dry foot" because if you're not cheating, then you're not trying.

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