Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Hangover Monday

Mondays means I have to sober up and get ready to do some work...which is sometimes a chore.

I have (along with my writing partner)to produce the first 30 pages of a screenplay due by this time next week for a production company.

Yeah, yeah, stop me if you've heard that one before. But, no, really, this is all true.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am "BORED-ER than hell"

It's so damn hot in Miami (Beach) right now that if you have to walk more than a block to anywhere, then you might as well take a change of clothes. That means I can't really go outside. At least the liquor stores in my neighborhood deliver.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Have I ever mentioned that I hate Miami?

I hate Miami.

I hate it because people aren't friendly, don't speakie the Englie and make fun of you if you don't speakie the Spanie.

Now, one thing to consider: I am Latino and (while it is not my first language) I speakie the Spanie.

There are old Cubans here who left before 1959 when Castro took over Cuba and they STILL no speakie the Englie...nothing.

This is why you get that bastard accent. Hell, I didn't make it up. It's true.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Good God...I just realized something...

I've had this blog since 2004 and I am ashamed. Then again, no, I'm not. In 2004, "bloggers" were a fad that was basically scoffed at by traditional journalists and writers (which, I am both of those things).

But, the honest truth is...people have (or at least have had in the past) interest in what I have to say. In short, I'm back to tear the ass out of the blogoshpere (SP?).

Now I have to go to the bank's the weekend...and the floating craps game is at my place tonight.