Saturday, August 01, 2009

Julia Child is a school girl from the temperance movement

I was just thinking that because:

1. I like Julia Child. (RIP)

2. I cook.

3. The redhead in the new movie "Julie and Julia" is hot. (She's also in Talladega Nights.)

And since I cook, why shouldn't I give a little back to the foodie establishment?

Yeah, all you upturned snot noses can kiss my ass. I don't want to be a chef, but I might own a restaurant one day.

So here's what I did off the cuff tonight for dinner.

I took a chicken tender. Yes. That is a "cut" of chicken.

Anyway. I seasoned some flour (I used salt, pepper and Adobo). I diced the tender into bit-sized pieces; dredged it in the flour, then milk, then the flour again.

I pan fried that chicken in a little bacon grease and butter.

I put on some pasta (linguine in this case). And, I took the opportunity to use my small cast iron skillet to throw in some extra v. olive oil and red pepper flakes--and sweat some garlic and onions in that skillet. When the chicken was crispy, I threw it in there as well.

I drained the linguine; threw a little olive oil in the bottom of the pasta pot and incorporated all ingredients.

Music time: something angry like Ice Cube, GNR from back in the day, etc.
Prep time: as long as you need (cooking is relaxing for me)
Liquor time: probably about 5 beers. Be careful with the knife.
Rest time: after incorporation, let it sit for about 3 minutes, then eat.

Let me take this opp. to say that the most amiable/people person chef in Miami is Michelle Bernstein. Most of the others are pricks. That's just my two cents.

And, to be quite honest. It's my blog so whatever.

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